New Biennial Budget Enacted, Policy Wins for AOF and Members

The Fiscal Year 2020-2021 State Operating Budget was passed by both chambers on July 17th and signed by Governor DeWine on July 18th. AOF and our member organizations achieved significant wins and made progress on policy priorities.

We Have A Budget!

The Ohio House and Senate resolved their differences in the budget and passed the bill with bipartisan support in both chambers hours before the interim budget ran out on Wednesday July 17th. The House passed the bill 75-17, while the Senate vote was 29-1. After 25 line-item vetoes from Governor DeWine, the bulk of them focusing on Medicaid and health care policy, the Fiscal Year 2020-2021 operating budget is signed and enacted.

AOF is thankful to Governor DeWine and the leaders of the Ohio General Assembly for passing a budget that invests in kids, families and Ohioans living in poverty. Let’s continue to build a better future together by strengthening and supporting the systems that address the basic needs of our most vulnerable Ohioans and offer a hand up on the path to self sufficiency.

Read about AOF’s policy wins and progress made in the final budget here