Leadership and Staff

Advocates for Ohio’s Future is guided by a Steering Committee of leaders from 26 nonprofit human services policy, advocacy and provider organizations that strive to strengthen families and communities through public funding for health, human services, and early care & education.

coalition manager

Sarah Hudacek is the Coalition Manager of AOF. Sarah joined Advocates for Ohio’s Future (AOF) part time in March 2021 as the Policy Assistant for both The Center for Community Solutions and AOF before joining AOF full time in March 2022.

Before joining the team, Sarah worked as an account coordinator at CoverMyMeds,

where she helped doctors navigate the insurance approval process, and as an executive assistant at a Chicago law firm specializing in insurance law. She brings policy experience from her internships in Washington, D.C. at the White House and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

As an undergraduate, Sarah completed a thesis studying sexual violence prevention and response policies on Ohio’s college campuses. Sarah graduated from The Ohio State University with a bachelor’s degree in Public Management, Leadership and Policy.

AOF Co-Chairs

Susan JagersOhio Poverty Law Center
Charlotte RudolphUniversal Health Care Action Network of Ohio

AOF Executive Committee

Teresa Lampl, AOF Communications Committee Chair, The Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers

Darold Johnson, AOF Public Policy Committee Chair, Ohio Federation of Teachers

Joree Novotny, AOF Finance & Development Committee Chair, Ohio Association of Foodbanks

Nick Bates, AOF Outreach Committee Chair, Hunger Network in Ohio

Gina WiltCoalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio

Tara BrittonThe Center for Community Solutions

Steering Committee

Randy Leite, PhD, Appalachian Children Coalition
John Stanford, PhD,
Children’s Defense Fund-Ohio
Scott Neely, Children’s Hunger Alliance
Megan Riddlebarger, Corporation for Ohio Appalachian Development
Lynanne Gutierrez, Groundwork Ohio
Michael CoreyHuman Service Chamber of Franklin County
Rose Frech, Integrated Services for Behavioral Health
Laura Padgett, Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition
Beth KowalczykOhio Association of Area Agencies on Aging
Kelly CareyOhio Association of Community Health Centers
Prince Ohilebo GarubaOhio Association of Goodwill Industries
Kate RossmanOhio Children’s Alliance
Amy Roehrenbeck, Ohio Child Support Professionals Association
Maridell Couture, Ohio Coalition for Adult Protective Services
Veronica BradyOhio Family & Children First Coordinators Association
Laura Abu-AbsiOhio Job and Family Services Directors’ Association
Teresa Kobelt, Ohio Provider Resource Association
Jeremy Morris, Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council
Rebecca KusnerOhio Workforce Coalition
Kathryn Poe, Policy Matters Ohio
Scott BrittonPublic Children Services Association of Ohio

Contact Advocates for Ohio’s Future
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