AOF Unveils 2020-21 Budget Priorities, Urge Incorporation in Budget Bill

Columbus – Advocates for Ohio’s Future (AOF) previewed its 2020-21 budget and policy priorities in a press conference on January 28.

The health and human services coalition focuses on policy areas that support healthy children and families, quality communities and pathways to prosperity for all so all Ohioans can live better lives.

Human services play a key role in stabilizing individuals and families so they can compete and thrive in the 21st century economy. Our state has an opportunity to prepare Ohioans to acquire and maintain quality jobs, so in the long run, they can support themselves and their families.

“Bold policy reform and investments are needed so Ohioans can climb the ladder up and out of poverty, said AOF Co-Chair Steve Wagner. “Ohio needs targeted investments in our greatest asset— our people.”

“We agree with Governor DeWine: We have a moral obligation to reach out and support at-risk children and families,” said Tara Britton, coalition Co-Chair. “It will take robust public investments and policy changes that address the needs of low-income families holistically to strengthen Ohio’s families and workforce to make all Ohioans healthy and competitive.”

Read the full press release here

Review AOF’s 2020-21 priorities: