AOF to Ohio Senate: Do More for Ohio's Most Vulnerable

Though we are heartened by the attention paid some issues, the basic needs and support systems of children and families have been ignored for too long, and our most vulnerable have fallen further away from the quality of life we would expect in a state as prosperous as Ohio.

Advocates for Ohio’s Future (AOF) acknowledges that Governor DeWine and the Ohio House of Representatives made significant and needed investments to support Ohioans living in poverty or dealing with mental health issues and substance use disorders. Investing in Ohio builds a better future.

“We were encouraged by the reports we heard in Senate Finance earlier this week, where the leadership of the Health and Medicaid Subcommittee highlighted additional investments and policies that build upon the work the Governor and the House have done. We fully support their inclusion of additional dollars for foodbanks, additional investments in Adult Protective Services, increasing publicly funded childcare eligibility to 150 percent of the federal poverty level, implementing a coordinated, multi-agency approach to addressing infant and maternal health and committing to address issues concerning multi-system youth and preventing custody relinquishment,” said Tara Britton, Co-Chair of AOF.

“However, news from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics shows in 2018, six of Ohio’s 10 most common jobs paid wages so low that a family of three would need to use food assistance to make ends meet signifies any recent growth of the economy is likely attributed to increasing low wage jobs that do not support the basic needs of individuals, much less support a family,” said Steve Wagner, Co-Chair of AOF. “Though we are heartened by the attention paid to these issues, the basic needs and support systems of children and families have been ignored for too long, and our most vulnerable have fallen further away from the quality of life we would expect in a state as prosperous as Ohio. We must follow through on the Governor’s commitment to help those who have been left behind.”

AOF recommends the Senate include the following policies in the operating budget to truly improve the lives of children and families now, and for generations to come:

  • Make the state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Refundable

  • Increase the Ohio Works First benefit level

  • Increase investment in SNAP Education and Training (E&T)

For more information on these proposals, click here