AOF Encouraged by DeWine's State of the State Commitments

AOF praised Governor DeWine’s commitment to invest in Ohio’s children, workers and our collective future in his first State of the State address

Governor Mike DeWine outlined his priorities in his first State of the State address March 5th. He emphasized the time has come to invest in Ohio’s future, and face problems the state has put off for far too long, head on.

Governor DeWine committed to investments in:

  • Roads and bridges

  • Safe water

  • Preventing infant mortality and programming for at-risk mothers

  • Expanded capacity to address mental health and addiction issues for children and adults

  • Quality early childhood education

  • Children’s services and foster care

  • Programs for aging and older adults

  • Opportunity zones for workforce development and job training

AOF is encouraged by Governor DeWine’s commitments in human services and public health programs. We look forward to working with the DeWine administration and members of the General Assembly to follow through on these important investments and policy changes.

Read our full statement here