Who We Are: AOF 101

by: Andy Jesson, AOF Policy & Communications Intern

Advocates for Ohio’s Future (AOF) is a nonpartisan, nonprofit coalition of health and human services advocacy, provider, and research organizations. Our main goal is to bring health and human services organizations together to be in coalition, sharing knowledge and advocating for progress in policy. In pursuit of our main goal, AOF maintains the following policy platform; healthy children and families, quality communities, and pathways to prosperity for all. AOF’s work focuses on policy change at the state-level to support and empower Ohioans and their families.

AOF began in 2003 as the Emergency Campaign to Protect Ohio’s Future, a coalition of health and human service organizations set on protecting Ohio’s most vulnerable citizens through a state budget that invests in vital services. Founded by legendary advocates John Corlett, Marcia Egbert, and Gayle Channing Tenenbaum, the Campaign to Protect Ohio’s Future was renamed Advocate’s for Ohio’s Future in 2010 as a reflection of our long-term commitment to maintaining vital public services throughout the state of Ohio.

Currently, 30 member organizations serve on the AOF Steering Committee, which meets once every month. The Steering Committee is the driving force for what AOF seeks to accomplish in our commitment to bettering the health and human services landscape in Ohio. The priorities of our Steering Committee members are critical to determining the legislation wherein AOF provides public testimony. Our past submissions of public testimony can be found here.

In addition to our Steering Committee, Advocates for Ohio’s Future hosts monthly meetings with our Public Policy Committee, nutrition workgroup, and our brand-new benefits cliff workgroup. Each meeting includes advocates from across the state and is an opportunity to raise awareness regarding current events and set an agenda for advocacy in each specific policy area.

AOF is grateful for the work and leadership of our Co-Chairs, Susan Jagers (Ohio Poverty Law Center) and Nick Bates (Hunger Network in Ohio), as well as our Executive Committee: Teresa Lampl (The Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers), Darold Johnson (Ohio Federation of Teachers), Joree Novotny (Ohio Association of Foodbanks), Gina Wilt (Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio), and Tara Britton (The Center for Community Solutions).

AOF is looking forward to a busy year ahead advocating for improved health and human services throughout the state. As the March primary elections quickly approach, AOF will work on voter education to ensure Ohioans are aware of registration deadlines, ID requirements, and more.

As we approach the 2025 state budget, AOF is making preparations to host the 2024 Budget Training Academy this summer and fall. The Budget Training Academy provides an opportunity to share insight with advocates on Ohio’s biennial budgeting process and how to ensure health and human services remain at the forefront of the budget. AOF also hosted a series of budget webinars throughout the last budgeting process, and are looking forward to doing so again next year.

In addition to our election information and budget awareness objectives, providing solutions to the benefits cliff is an area central to our advocacy plans in the upcoming year. AOF began meeting with a group of advocates last year regarding the benefits cliff. Our goal in 2024 is to advocate for legislative and administrative solutions to the benefit cliff, with a focus on the 2025 state budget. More information on this work will be announced soon.

Each week, AOF releases a newsletter containing updates on the world of Ohio advocacy, links to critical resources and AOF blog posts, and information about upcoming member events. If you would like to be added to our email list, please click here. You can also follow us @Advocates4OH on Facebook and Twitter/X.
