Join the Fight Against SB 17

Advocates for Ohio’s Future is asking organizations across the state join the fight against the harmful provisions of Senate Bill 17 by signing on to the letter below. The letter will be delivered to all members of the Senate Government Oversight & Reform Committee and Senate Majority Leadership.

During a time of crisis our leaders should be working to support those who are struggling, not building additional barriers for children, families, working adults and seniors to get the help they need.

Chairwoman Roegner, Vice Chair McColley, Ranking Member Craig and Members of the Senate Government Oversight and Reform Committee, 

The leaders of Advocates for Ohio’s Future and the undersigned organizations unite to voice our opposition to the proposed changes in eligibility for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicaid and unemployment insurance included in Senate Bill 17.  

All people need safety and security, especially in the middle of a pandemic and a recession. Public programs like SNAP, Medicaid and unemployment insurance are the strongest lifelines to ensure our neighbors have the supports they need during these challenging times.  

SB 17 will hurt Ohio’s recovery. It will worsen food security and health outcomes and prevent millions of federal dollars from flowing into Ohio communities. It punishes workers and creates more barriers for children, families, working adults and seniors to get the help they need. 

During a time when 737,000 Ohioans didn’t have enough to eat over a week’s time, 1 in 5 Ohio kids are living in poverty and over 130,000 children are uninsured, leaders should be looking for ways to support their struggling neighbors rather than put up more barriers to assistance. If this body wants to help people earning low wages, the General Assembly should instead create a benefit-bridge so workers and families with low-incomes can gain greater stability. 

Our children are counting on us to create the Ohio they deserve. We want to live in a state where we create opportunity—not barriers, care for and invest in people and focus on equitable recovery. This means securing robust public assistance policies and strongly rejecting any rules and requirements that, grounded in systemic racism, dilute the efficacy of programs like SNAP, Medicaid and unemployment compensation.  

We urge you to oppose Senate Bill 17 and work towards policies that support the safety and security of Ohioans in times of crisis.  

Sign on HERE