AOF Submits Testimony on State Budget Proposal

Read our full testimony and proposed changes HERE

This week marked the last opportunity for stakeholders to submit testimony to the House Finance Subcommittees focusing on different sections of House Bill 110, the FY2022-2023 State Operating Budget. Stakeholders were encouraged to submit written testimony only to avoid crowded hearing rooms. The first round of amendments are due early next week and the bill will continue to be heard in full House Finance Committee. Here’s a preview of our testimony to the House Finance Subcommittee on Health and Human Services:

“A full year into the coronavirus pandemic and economic fallout, we recognize that it will take many months, if not years, for Ohio’s families, businesses and communities to recover. As case numbers fall and vaccination rates climb, families across our state continue to struggle with basic needs like food security and housing, the weight of the pandemic on their mental health and finding employment in a different workforce landscape.

This budget holds opportunities for our elected leaders to invest in Ohio’s workforce, families and community services to ensure all Ohioans recover successfully from the economic and public health crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Increases in basic needs assistance and targeted, smart investments in work supports for Ohioans and their families, that last the duration of the economic fallout—not just the public health crisis—will do more to support our recovery and empower our citizens to help themselves as soon as it is deemed safe.”

Read our full testimony and proposed changes HERE