Don't Miss Out on the Expanded Child Tax Credit!

As part of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARP), Congress expanded the Child Tax Credit (CTC) to allow families to receive a total of $3,600 per child up to age 5 and $3,000 per child age 6 to 17. Most families don’t have to do anything to receive the expanded CTC, but if you haven’t filed taxes recently and your 2020 income is below $12,400 for a single parent, $24,800 for a married couple, or $18,650 for head of household, be sure to sign up as soon as possible with the Non-Filer Sign-Up Tool before it closes on November 15th!

Be sure to also share these two flyers from Children’s Defense Fund-Ohio to spread the word and make sure every eligible family receives the assistance they deserve! Download the flyers here and here.

ctc flyer 2.PNG
ctc flyer.PNG

by: Sarah Hudacek, AOF Policy Assistant
