Coming December 2021: Annual Open Enrollment for Ohio Medicaid Managed Care

Beginning September 24th, Ohio Medicaid began informing members of the 2021 open enrollment period by letter notices via mail and by automated phone calls from the Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline.

Though the official open enrollment period will occur December 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021, Ohio Medicaid managed care members can change their plan starting at the end of September by calling the Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline at 1-800-324-8680 or utilizing the Ohio Medicaid Consumer Hotline Member Portal at

Remember, managed care members do not have to change plans if they’re satisfied with their current selection. Those who do not make a plan selection will continue to receive coverage through their current managed care plan and won’t experience any change in their services.

The plans that are available during the 2021 Annual Open Enrollment are:

  • Buckeye Health Plan

  • CareSource

  • Molina Health Care

  • Paramount Advantage

  • United Health Care Community Plan

This annual open enrollment period precludes another opportunity for Ohio Medicaid managed care members to change plans in Spring 2022 before the next generation program and new plans go live on July 1, 2022.

Additional communications will be sent to Ohio Medicaid managed care members during Member Transition Enrollment in Spring 2022 to provide directions on how to to review and compare all the new and continuing plans available in order to choose the plan that is the best fit for them.

by: Sarah Hudacek, AOF Policy Assistant
