DeWine says coronavirus fight has to take priority over safety net

Over the last few weeks AOF and member organizations have been elevating the needs of Ohio families and individuals struggling to keep a roof over their heads, food on the table and the lights on.

At Thursday’s COVID-19 press conference, a reporter from the Ohio Capital Journal asked Governor DeWine what the thought about our proposal to allocate a small portion of Ohio’s remaining $1.3 billion CARES Act dollars to emergency rental assistance, utility assistance, food and child care support.

He responded: “We are not unmindful of the merit of the request. But I think our fundamental goal has to be to keep the virus down, because nothing else can happen if we don’t keep the virus down.”

We would argue controlling the virus and supporting families and the economy is not a false choice. Supporting families to stay in their own homes will help prevent exposure and spread of coronavirus.

Read more from Marty Schladen at the Ohio Capitol Journal HERE
