COVID-19 Minority Health Strike Force Releases Blueprint Report

More Than A Mask

On April 20, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine launched the COVID-19 Minority Health Strike Force. This group of advisers worked with state leadership to provide feedback on the immediate action necessary to address COVID-19 and its disproportionate impact on Ohioans of color.

Released last week, this blueprint developed by the COVID-19 Minority Health Strike Force with input from many community members around the state, contains 35 actionable recommendations that serve as a roadmap for the administration of Governor Mike DeWine to advance health equity in partnership with state, local and community officials in Ohio.

The blueprint includes several categories of recommendations; many of which reflect AOF’s policy objectives and continuing advocacy efforts:

  • Dismantling Racism to Advance Health Equity

  • Reduce discrimination and increase diversity in the health workforce

  • Increase access to health care

  • Increase access to COVID-19 testing, treatment, personal protective equipment (PPE), and a vaccine (when available)

  • Improve access to high-quality education

  • Reduce poverty and increase investment and employment

  • Improve working conditions

  • Decrease arrest and incarceration rates

  • Increase safe and affordable housing

  • Increase access to transportation

  • Decrease the digital divide

Governor DeWine also released is action plan, Ohio’s Executive Response: A Plan of Action to Advance Equity, a culmination of commitments resulting from state leadership discussions to guide the state
enterprise as they begin their strategic planning process. The process will advance equity in Ohio’s systems; promote diversity, equity and inclusion in state workplaces; embed equity in programs and
policy; and provide tools for statewide partners to advance equity in public service.