US House Passes Continuing Resolution, Support for Hungry Kids and Families

Earlier this week in advance of the upcoming end of the federal fiscal year, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) that contains provisions intended to ensure kids and families do not go hungry. It includes $8 billion for food and nutrition assistance programs, including extending Pandemic-EBT for a full year.  It also extends flexibility for states to lower administrative requirements on SNAP families.

News reports say that the CR is very likely to pass the Senate and be signed by the President in order to avoid a government shutdown. It passed the House with strong bipartisan support and the deal was pre-negotiated between House Speaker Pelosi and the White House.

However, this CR is not a sufficient substitute for a robust coronavirus response package. While encouraging, we know the Pandemic-EBT extension and SNAP waivers aren't anywhere close to enough to address the rates of child hunger kids across America are facing. The latest data says 7 to 11 million children are experiencing hunger, which is staggering and unprecedented.

AOF and our partners will continue to advocate for a coronavirus relief package that includes at least a 15% boost to SNAP benefits, additional unemployment insurance, and rental/housing assistance to support struggling families.
