The Home Energy Assistance Program

by: Andy Jesson, AOF Policy & Communications Intern

With the winter months upon us, millions of Ohioans are turning up the thermostats and heating their homes. The cost of heating a home for the entirety of the winter season varies based on the type of energy the home utilizes. The Energy Information Administration published cost outlooks for regions throughout the country.

For many low-income Ohioans, the winter season presents a challenging decision between living in a home with no heat or paying the hundreds of dollars to heat their home. Fortunately, for those who meet eligibility requirements, the federally-funded Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) offsets some of the financial burden associated with heating a home.

HEAP provides financial assistance for Ohioans with a household income at or below 175 percent of the federal poverty line. For a family of four, total household income up to $52,500 meets eligibility. Recipients receive HEAP benefits in the form of a one-time payment typically applied directly to the utility bill. The average energy assistance grant per year in the state of Ohio is $316.

 HEAP Income Eligibility Through July 2024

Households who meet eligibility requirements and are not yet enrolled in HEAP can apply here. Applications can be submitted online, via mail, as well as in-person or over the phone through a county’s Energy Assistance Provider.
