Promising Coronavirus Vaccine On Horizon, Could Be Some Time Before Distribution

As COVID-19 cases surge in Ohio and across the United States, pharmaceutical giant Pfizer offered some hope earlier this week by announcing that early data suggests its COVID-19 vaccine candidate could be 90% effective. Initially, medical experts predicted a coronavirus vaccine could be 50-60% effective. Comparatively, flu shots are believed to be 40-60% effective.

Although Pfizer said it could seek emergency use authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration later this month, its initial supply will be limited. It will be some time, possibly four to six months, before the vaccine is widely available and people should continue following safety protocols until then.

Pfizer’s vaccine requires two doses, and if approved, the company has said it hopes to produce enough doses to vaccinate 15 to 20 million people by the end of the year.