Marketplace Health Insurance: Open Enrollment Begins on Monday

Open enrollment for health insurance through the state marketplace begins on November 1st! Although open enrollment will continue through January 15, 2022, individuals are encouraged to sign up by December 15th in order to have health care coverage starting on January 1st. Because of the American Rescue Plan, additional financial help is available this year. Help with premiums is available up to 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) - $87,840 for a family of 3 and $106,000 for a family of 4 - and help with copays and coinsurance is available up to 250 percent FPL - $54,900 for a family of 3 and $66,250 for a family of 4.

You can preview 2022 health plans here, and beginning Monday, you can enroll at or

If you’re looking for assistance enrolling, have questions about available Marketplace plans, Medicaid enrollment, or are unsure what you might qualify for, visit to schedule a free appointment with application assisters near you.

by: Sarah Hudacek, AOF Policy Assistant
