by: Andy Jesson, AOF Policy & Communications Intern
The opioid epidemic continues to harm Ohioans and families across the state. In 2022, nearly 5,000 Ohioans died as a result of an unintentional drug overdose, with over 80 percent of deaths involving opioids. The OneOhio Recovery Foundation was created to use state funds received from settlements with pharmaceutical companies to invest in substance misuse prevention, treatment and recovery efforts, and increase access to critical resources for people who use drugs.
The OneOhio Recovery Foundation is a private, non-profit organization created by state and local leaders in Ohio. The Foundation is responsible for distributing 55 percent of the funds received from settlements between the state and pharmaceutical companies for their role in Ohio’s opioid epidemic. The other 45 percent of funds go directly to local governments and the state. While this year’s grant applications will result in no more than $51 million being distributed, the OneOhio Recovery Foundation is ultimately responsible for distributing about $860 million received from settlements with pharmaceutical companies.
On March 4, the 2024 Regional Grant Request for Proposal (RFP) was posted and registration opened in the OneOhio Grant Portal. Applications for the 2024 Regional Grant open on April 2, and must be submitted by May 3. In a statement regarding the release of their 2024 Regional Grant Cycle RFP, Alisha Nelson, Executive Director of OneOhio, stated, “After months of carefully developing this first-ever program, we look forward to seeing the innovative ideas presented to combat the epidemic in every corner of the state”.
OneOhio is led by Director Nelson and governed by a board of 29 experts and leaders representing 19 regions across the state.
Map of the 19 OneOhio Regions
Within the newly-released RFP, OneOhio notes, “Successful grants will promote the health and safety of Ohioans by implementing evidence-based, forward-looking strategies. Grant terms can be 12 months, 24 months or up to 36 months in total. Funding proposals cannot be used to supplant existing programs or services. Successful proposals will support new or expanded programs or enhancements to existing programs”.
The 19 regions are set to receive a predetermined about of funding for grant opportunities, which will then be allocated within the region. Each region has a Regional Grant Review Committee tasked with reviewing grant applications and making recommendations on which organizations receive funding awards. Applications are then reviewed by the OneOhio Expert Panel, Grant Oversight Committee, and Board of Directors to ensure compliance with all regulations. Following approval, organizations will enter into a Grant Agreement with OneOhio and begin receiving funds.
OneOhio Grant Application and Approval Process
Eligible recipients for grant funding from OneOhio must be
Tax-exempt organizations under Section 501 (c)(3) or other relevant sections of the Internal Revenue Service Code, or
Private, for-profit organizations offering services that meet the charitable purpose of the Foundation, or
Any form of state or local government
The 2024 Regional Grant Cycle represents the first of a series of funding opportunities for organizations across the state. The OneOhio Recovery Foundation will continue to disperse funds over the next 15-20 years as money from settlements continues to reach the state.