Ohio Announces Four-Phase Plan for COVID-19 Vaccine

Though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has not authorized any COVID-19 vaccine candidate for use, public health experts say one could be approved later this fall. Given the time it takes to manufacture, ship and distribute millions of doses, the CDC has cautioned the vaccine could be in short supply after it’s approved.

Ohio plans to roll out a coronavirus vaccine in four phases and give the first doses to high-risk health care workers and first responders, according to a draft plan released by the state’s health department and submitted to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for approval. The plan does not offer a timeline for each phase.

Phase 1

  • High risk health care workers, first responders

  • Older adults living in congregate or overcrowded settings

  • People at significantly higher risk due to comorbid or underlying conditions

Phase 2

  • Health care workers and other essential services workers who are at high risk for exposure

  • Teachers and school staff members; older Ohioans; and residents with preexisting conditions. People of color, who have been disproportionately harmed by the virus, could also be prioritized during phase two

  • People living in group homes or homeless shelters; people in recovery for substance use; people with physical or mental disabilities; and inmates and staff in prisons, jails and detention centers

Phase 3

  • Young adults; children; and workers in unspecified industries that are critical to the functioning of society.

Phase 4

  • All Ohioans

Ohio plans to set up a system where the state government will order a supply of the vaccine, then ship it to individual counties and health care providers for distribution. The shipments will be based on a variety of factors, such as the number of coronavirus cases in a county or the number of county residents targeted for vaccination during a phase.
