New Report: State of Working Ohio 2020

Policy Matters Ohio released a new annual report this week that takes a look at the current state of the economy and the ways in which working people in Ohio struggle or thrive.

COVID-19 and the recession it caused have remade the Ohio economy so quickly and profoundly that many of the numbers they rely on to give contour to the working lives of people in our state are so out of date as to be meaningless. Taking a new approach, Policy Matters includes new numbers on unemployment and joblessness and summaries of recent research on COVID-19’s impact on everyone from the frontline workers trying to keep safe to the exhausted parents typing away in makeshift home offices trying to keep their jobs. They’ve also included some key indicators from 2019 that help explain why so many are on the brink.

The State of Working Ohio 2020 gives the latest data on the state of the workforce before the crisis, the job losses it has caused, and what is known about workers on the frontlines. It offers solutions to rebuild the Ohio economy stronger than ever and enable all Ohioans to thrive.

Check out the full report and executive summary to learn more!