Medicare Open Enrollment Starts October 15

Medicare Open Enrollment runs from October 15 to December 7, 2020. This is the annual opportunity for the close to 1-in-5 Ohioans who are Medicare recipients to evaluate Medicare health and prescription drug plans and make sure they are enrolled in the best plan to meet their needs. This is also the time of year Medicare recipients can change their plans if they find a better fit. Plan selections take effect in January of 2021.

Starting on October 1, you can take an early peek at Medicare health plans and drug plans by using the Medicare Plan Finder.

Need help evaluating which plan is right for you? The Ohio Department of Insurance’s Senior Health Insurance Information Program (OSHIP) provides Medicare beneficiaries with free, objective health insurance information, one-on-one counseling, and educates consumers about Medicare, Medicare prescription drug coverage (Part D), Medicare Advantage options, Medicare supplement insurance.

Visit OSHIP’s website to access free virtual counseling, webinars and other resources.
