HHS Priorities for State ARPA Funding

The American Rescue Plan (ARP) represents a historic opportunity to invest in people, communities and infrastructure. Ohio is set to receive a total $5.36 billion, separated between two allocations, which must be obligated by December 31, 2024 and fully expended by December 31, 2026. Permitted uses for State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund (SLFRF) dollars include:

RECOVER: Pay for measures that quell the pandemic and prevent outbreaks

REPAY: Premium pay to essential employees or grants to their employers

REBUILD: Invest in water, sewer and broadband infrastructure

RESTORE: Pay for government services affected by loss of revenues caused by pandemic recession. Allows for public sector hiring to reinforce and restore government work

Since these recovery funds were announced on both the state and local levels, many local governments have reached out to their residents to identify and prioritize the needs of their communities through an open, public, transparent process before deciding on strategic, significant investments for a recovery plan.

Already, Ohio has expended more than half of its first state funding allocation, with only $850 million remaining. There has been little to no opportunity for public input on the spending of these funds at the state level. Allocations amended into House Bill 168 were added to the bill on the Senate floor and concurred by the House of Representatives with no opportunity for public testimony or comment.

Funding of this magnitude warrants a robust planning process drawing on experts and state and community leaders.

In an effort to give our member organizations an opportunity to present their ARP state spending priorities publicly, AOF hosted a hearing via webinar where nine organizations shared their investment proposal, why the dollars are needed and what long-term impact the investment will have.

This memorandum summarizes the proposals highlighted in the hearing October 7th.
